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Learning resources 2013/3/27 15:08

I recently completed Genki 1 and 2 and am now wondering how to progress.

I am working 2 hours a day on Japanese whereby I learn 15 new words and 10 new kanji.

I want to increase my grammar but unsure of what textbook to get. Does anyone have any recommendations?
by saborio  

Re: Learning resources 2013/3/28 09:30
I can recommend these "Tettei Drill" JLPT books. Even if you don't intend on taking the JLPT at all they work well as textbooks:


Other than that you might find yourself advancing beyond the need for textbooks soon. You might want to try and start reading simple stories or manga in order to expose yourself to more words, kanji, and grammar.
by Harimogura (guest) rate this post as useful

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