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Kanji and hiragana for Thank you 2013/4/8 06:45
What is the difference between the use of 有難う御座います, 有り難う御座います, and that of ありがとうございます?
I know that they all mean the same thing, but, I was wondering about the meaning of the kanji used. Thanks.
by sakura (guest)  

Re: Kanji and hiragana for Thank you 2013/4/8 19:46
有り難い(ありがたい) is an adjective. It means extremely rare. So,if I feel your kind behavior
is rare to see, naturally I'll have appreciation for that.
by kazz1972 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kanji and hiragana for Thank you 2013/4/8 20:24
I can recommend to use ありがとうございます (or 有り難うございます) that's used commonly at least after WWII.
有り難う御座います and so on have something old-fashioned and a bit formal/stuffy, recently it's used at traditional restaurant or ryokan, I think.
BTW, I dislike 有難う because it seems misspelled without り as okuri-gana...
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Kanji and hiragana for Thank you 2013/4/9 00:23
Thank you for your replies kazz1972 and ajapaneseboy.

By the way, ajapaneseboy, I saw some Japanese people write ありがとうございます like this: ありがとう御座います and this: 有難うございます
by sakura (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kanji and hiragana for Thank you 2013/4/9 00:52
Yes, also I know that's used.
But I think 御座います is rare today, and I like to spell 有り難う than 有難う.

BTW, I think ありがとう御座います is a bit funny/confused, if I receive that e-mail, I think the sender is careless or in a hurry.
But also I think maybe ありがとう御座います written on a cup or something in the tearoom or somewhere looks kawaii.

But it's just on my personal tastes.
In any case, all of them is not mistake, you know.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Kanji and hiragana for Thank you 2013/4/9 06:10
Thank you ajapaneseboy!
by sakura (guest) rate this post as useful

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