
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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translating a text 2013/4/22 13:59
Hi all,
I'm translating a text and this combination of verbs confuses me. The context is that there are [several things]と,これを生み出すしくみづくり.
Is the meaning something like that there are these things, and when they are *combined*, even more things come to be? I'm not sure if くみ is about combining without the kanji visible.

Thanks a lot in advance for any input!
by kitten (guest)  

Re: translating a text 2013/4/22 14:32
It's not くみ but しくみ.

これ を(kore wo; this)
生み出す(umidasu; to produce/generate)
仕組み(shikumi; mechanism/system)
作り(tsukuri; making/providing)

...making the mechanism to produce this?
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: translating a text 2013/4/22 16:41
Thanks a lot for the fast reply! :)
Maybe I'll go with something along the lines... [these things] and how they are created.
by kitten (guest) rate this post as useful

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