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Help me with translation, please? 2013/5/9 09:08
Can I get help with english translation for these sentences, please?

1. そんなこといちいち覚えてないか…
2. 生きる活力になるね。
3. まいっちゃうねえ。
4. 事件かとおもって来てみれば。
5. 若さってやつかな。

Thank you in advance!
by Linna (guest)  

Re: Help me with translation, please? 2013/8/1 15:55

1. そんなこといちいち覚えてないか…
@You would don't remember about every little thing...
AI guess you would don't remember about every little thing...

2. 生きる活力になるね。
It's could be helpful in developing a zest for living.

3. まいっちゃうねえ。
Give me strength.
That hurts.
「それはきついね」 「それはまいっちゃうね」

4. 事件かとおもって来てみれば。
I come here cuz I was wondering that's happening an accident,
phew, there was nothing to worry about.

5. 若さってやつかな。
@It's appeal of youth.
AIt's kind of youth.

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