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Can you help me translate this? 2013/6/3 10:16
I have no clue what this is trying to say.

What does やり mean? Google Translate says ''spear'', but it doesn't fit the context of what I am reading, so I'm not sure.

Thank you so much! I would be really grateful if you could help me! Thanks~
by churros (guest)  

Re: Can you help me translate this? 2013/6/4 17:38
I'm unsure because it's Kansai-ben(dialect),
but if it's misspelled わけない as ゆけない,
I think it means "But there is no way that I like myself, you know" or something.

やりすぎた means "did too much" or "went too far",
俺たちそんなやりすぎたか? means "Did we go too far?" or something.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Can you help me translate this? 2013/6/4 21:56
I agree that it must be わけない
せやけど 俺が 自分の こと 好きに なる わけ ない やんか?
- But there is no way that I would like/fall for you, right?

(Some guys use the word "jibun" to refer to "you."

やりすぎた is the ta form (past form) of やりすぎる, which in itself is a compound verb  やる+すぎる (do + excessively).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Can you help me translate this? 2013/6/4 22:51
Oh, as AK said,
I have heard someone use "jibun" as "you",
especially the speaker come from Kansai region.
Now I remember that a professor often confused me by calling me "jibun".
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

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