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Made especially for you 2013/6/20 12:13
Does anyone know how this phrase would be said in Japanese?

it's for a card that goes together with a present, so I think there's no need for a complete sentence like "I made this just for you".

I'm thinking something more informal like "made especially for you" would work fine. Would it, and how would it go in Japanese?
by Saus (guest)  

Re: Made especially for you 2013/6/20 23:18
How about "especially for you" in English?
In Japanese, it sounds a bit patronizing.
So Japanese gift cards are often written "for you" in English.

BTW, in Japanese...
あなたのために (for you)
あなただけのために (just for you)
あなたのために作りました (made for you)
Or in formal Japanese
謹製 (reverently made) is not patronizing.
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