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Naming: Akiro Hashimoto (Okay or not?) 2013/6/24 21:02
I'm developing names for the main characters for my one shot manga, and the main characters' name is Akiro Hashimoto, or 橋本 アキロ. I couldn't find a kanji for this name, and apparently it's because it's technically not a real name, mostly just a variation of Akira. But still, would this name be acceptable? I personally think it's a catchy name, but I want to make sure it lines up culturaly. I plan on/hope on this being a weekly shonen jump series once I develop my Japanese speaking/writing to a good level, so I'm getting ready ahead of time.
by RukuKabe  

Re: Naming: Akiro Hashimoto (Okay or not?) 2013/6/25 11:26
Akirou (not Akiro) exists as a male given name, but it's not common and sounds kind of old-fashioned. If you really want it to "line up culturally", then it would make more sense to use a plausible real name, but if you are just writing a pseudo-Japanese dojinshi for non-Japanese readers, then you can do whatever you want.
by Sumomo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naming: Akiro Hashimoto (Okay or not?) 2013/6/25 15:43
I think Akiro written in Kanji is 秋露(autumn dewdrop), 安芸路(Hiroshima street), 亜希炉 or something... of course, there are a bit funny but in Manga?
Ah, 秋色(autumn color) may be able to read Akiro as a personal name, though a bit feminine.
As Sumomo said, Akirou is possible male name.
(OKay, Akiro is almost no but possible too.)
Although My nephew is Akira, it has many variations of Kanji, for example, 明, 晶, 昭, 晃, 煌...

By the way, Akiro in Japanese means "lose interest" in the imperative form.
If your main target is Japanese, you may want to change the hero to non-Japanese.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Naming: Akiro Hashimoto (Okay or not?) 2013/6/27 03:12

This is the site I use to name Japanese characters in my fiction :) (And I'm afraid that searching for "Akiro" turns up no results, only "Akirou", as the above posters have suggested.)
by Aoi Ninami rate this post as useful

Re: Naming: Akiro Hashimoto (Okay or not?) 2013/6/27 12:07
Alright, after your responses and some research, I decided his name will be Akira Hashimoto. Thank you guys for helping me clear it up.
by RukuKabe rate this post as useful

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