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How difficult to catch up in kanji studies 2013/7/5 22:19
My grand-daughter moved to the US at age 8 after being in Japanese schools. They are moving back to Japan now she is 10. How difficult will it be for her to catch up on her studies and especially in Kanji? Thank you
by wesb  

Re: How difficult to catch up in kanji studies 2013/7/7 06:58
She probably missed out on 400 kanji.
I think she'll have to do a lot of kanji studying in her free time.
by Carlove rate this post as useful

Re: How difficult to catch up in kanji studies 2013/7/8 12:22
The readings are the hard part, learning the basic meanings of kanji is easy.
I assume she already knows Japanese, its just the reading side of things she doesn't have, so it shouldn't be too tough for her to get the kanji
by takeda's ghost (guest) rate this post as useful

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