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Very specific question on returning a Omamori 2013/7/9 06:53
i've been collecting Omamori charms for a past few years. often asking friends of mine who were going to Japan on holiday to purchase a charm for me.

i am now stuck with a very big problem which is the returning of the charms to the shrine after a year of usage.
Looking around the web as well as threads on this forum i haven't really found an answer.
and the question i have is

Can you return an Omamori to any shrine? Or must you return the charm to the shrine that it was purchased from?

i have 4 Omamori's in my possession which have help me for my studies, but i have had some of them for more then 2 years now and wish to one day properly "dispose" of them by returning them to the shrine as one would.
only problem is, i do not know specifically which shrine my friends have purchased these charms from and they would have probably forgotten by now after so long.

throwing them away would be disrespectful. So is it possible for me to return them all to any shrine, or do i have to return them to the shrine where they originated from?

by Omamori Collector (guest)  

Re: Very specific question on returning a Omamori 2013/7/9 10:47

I'd say yes it's OK to return to any shrine, particularly if you don't know where they come from, returning them to "a" shrine shows enough respect and appreciation :)
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Very specific question on returning a Omamori 2013/7/10 03:52
hey thanks for the reply.
yep yep i saw that thread, tho it didn't really answer my question specifically.

if that were so that it would be great : D
i'm planning to visit japan one day and return all the charms i accumalated over the years.
i'm just hoping that the charms won't be rejected because they were not from the shrine
by Omamori Collector (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Very specific question on returning a Omamori 2013/7/10 10:05
Don't worry, I've done it before and they didn't even check. Also, some of the omamori are extremely generic and you may not even be able to tell where they originated from.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Very specific question on returning a Omamori 2013/7/10 16:01
If you visit Narita-san (Shinshou-ji temple),
there is a big belt conveyor to collect returning amulets/charms.
I sometimes put some omamoris that I bought in Kyoto, Nara and somewhere.
Easy to return because nobody watch me there.(^-^;)

Although of corse Shinto and Buddhism have each manner, to tell the truth, Japanese gods are mixed up extending over both.
That's called 神仏習合(Shin-bustu Shugou; amalgamation of kami and buddhas).
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Very specific question on returning a Omamori 2013/7/10 23:10
ahh i see.

okay, thank you for all your replies everyone :)

now i know i can properly return my omamoris when i get the chance to go to japan
by Omamori Collector (guest) rate this post as useful

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