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Reciept translation help 2013/7/9 14:57
I have been trying to sort out reciepts from my Japan trip but came to a halt at some of these. I can barely read the kanji so I try to at least know what the store name is, no need to know what was brought. Perhaps city of purchase too.

by Jojo (guest)  

Re: Reciept translation help 2013/7/9 16:30
1. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu (Kamakura)
2. Post office in Tokyo
3. Cafe in Sapporo, HOkkaido
4. Food hall in Kita-ku, Osaka
5. video/DVD store in Osaka
6. Sounzan store, Hakone Ropeway
7. Barbecur restaurant in Osaka
8. Bakery at Fujiya Hotel, Miyanoshita, Hakone
9. No clue at all!
10. Souvenir shop in front of Gora station, Hakone
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Reciept translation help 2013/7/9 19:31
Thank you for your help. You wouldn't have the Japanese readings for the umm, reciept titles? If you see what I mean.
by Jojo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Reciept translation help 2013/7/9 19:51
If you want the full reading off them:

1. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Oyatsu Kyusokujo (Oyatsu rest spot)
2. Ryoshushosho (receipt), Maido arigato gozaimasu (Thank you very much), To:
Japan Post, 1-3-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8978
May 15, 2013, 10:04
3. Ryoshusho (receipt), AI Cafe, nORBESA shop, 4F nORBESA, 5-1-1 Minami-sanjo-nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido

...is this what you mean? You want the names and addresses as well?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Reciept translation help 2013/7/11 00:32
Sorry, I feel kinda rude.

I was mostly thinking of the titles of the stores or wherever the reciept is from, in Japanese. Except for number 1, 2, 6 and (9).

I would be very greatful and I appreciate your help.
by Jojo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Reciept translation help 2013/7/11 20:21
OK I wrote down the top line (some say "receipts," others put their shop name) and the shop name for the numbers you specified:

3 領収書 ("Ryoshusho" = "receipt")
アイ・カフェ nORBESA店 ("AI Cafe, nORBESA ten" "ten = store")

4 フレッシュな おいしさ たべもの プラザ ("Fresh flavors/tastiness, food plaza")
サボイ 中津 ("Savoy Nakatsu")
味道館 (proper name, I cannot tell if it is "aji michi kan" or "mi dou kan")

5 にっぽんばし道楽 ("Nipponbashi Douraku")

7 御計算書 ("Calculation statement/check")
電話 06−6211… (Tel. no)
焼肉 六甲 心斎橋 ("Yakiniku Rokko Shinsaibashi")

8 富士屋ホテル ("Fujiya Hotel")
ベーカリーショップ ("Bakery shop")
”ピコット本店”("Picotto Honten" = picotto main store)

10 箱根土産・たばこ (Hakone miyage/tabako = "Hakone Souvenir/cigarrettes)"
小林物産店 (Kobayashi bussan ten = Kobayashi store)
強羅駅前 (Gora eki mae = In front of Gora station)
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Reciept translation help 2013/7/11 22:20
Ahhh, Lovely AK,
Thanks a bunch. You have made a great job. Appreciate this.
by Jojo (guest) rate this post as useful

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