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Gaming: how do I say my mana is running low? 2013/7/14 02:53
To improve my japanese I've taken up playing only on japanese servers.i am just too shy to get a penpal and a hardcore enough gamer to survive on skill alone...however, I'm not very good at the language, but enough that those I play with generally understand what I'm saying...but I've hit a wall. I looked online to figure out how to tell someone my mana/MP is running low, but all the Internet tells me is how to ask someone to cover for my healing. Can someone please tell me how to say "my mana is getting low"? Maybe give me a word by word translation so i know exactly what I'm saying. hirigana or katakana is fine. I can read, just not type/speak it very well. My poor tanks would probably find this useful for me to know!! Thank you very much for your help! I really appreciate it.

A devoted healer,
by Genngi  

Re: Gaming: how do I say my mana is running low? 2013/7/14 13:01
If you just want to say that it's gotten low, then it is:
- わたしの マジックパワーは おちてきています。(My magic power has been getting low.)
- わたしの マナポイントは おちてきています。(My mana point has been getting low.)

- マジックパワーが ほとんど ありません。(I have almost no magic power.)
- マナポイントが ほとんど ありません。 (I have almost no mana point.)
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Gaming: how do I say my mana is running low? 2013/7/14 23:15
That is exactly what I needed! Thank you very much for your help!! :)
by Genngi rate this post as useful

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