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eating on temple/shrine grounds? 2013/8/7 01:48
I'm just wondering if it is considered acceptable to eat a bento or anything on shrine or temple grounds.

Thank you.
by .. (guest)  

Re: eating on temple/shrine grounds? 2013/8/7 21:33
Eat Bento in Temple,
If they have a huge garbage into, maybe possible.
If they have'nt please don't
Anyway, you should ask someone, Am I ok to eat my Bento here,
Koko de O Bento wo tabetemo iidesuka?
ここで おべんとうを たべてもいいですか?
Hope help to you.

by Cyaz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: eating on temple/shrine grounds? 2013/8/8 13:23
I would not recommend you to eat on Shrines/Temples ground. The place is holy/spiritual place where people gather and attend. Not local parks.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: eating on temple/shrine grounds? 2013/8/8 13:51
Some temples/shrines with spacious ground/garden would have food stalls on some festive days/weekends. People eat the food standing nearby the stall, or seated on some benches around (if there are any).

But if it's very small places, or where there are no benches or food stalls, I would not.

I once sat down on the stairs leading to the shrine (just to rest a bit), and the guards came running and asked me politely not to do that :) You'll know if it's OK or not if you just look around to see what the locals are doing :)
by AK rate this post as useful

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