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It's probably nothing - translation 2013/8/10 18:26
Hi, I'm looking for an appropriate translation for "it's probably nothing", is betsuni deshou ok?

by itsokreally  

Re: It's probably nothing - translation 2013/8/11 10:49
"Betsu ni" would be appropriate when someone asks you "is anything wrong?" and you want to say "no, nothing in particular," and can sound like you are brushing it off lightly.

What kind of situation are you thinking of for sayin "It's probably nothing"? Should it be in polite speech, or in informal speech?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: It's probably nothing - translation 2013/8/11 16:47
That's about right I think, the context is informal, and the meaning comparable to "it's probably nothing serious/nothing to worry about", but 'probably' is an important element.

by itsokreally rate this post as useful

Re: It's probably nothing - translation 2013/8/11 17:29
"Kitto taishita koto ja nai (yo)." (Probably it's nothing big/serious)
"Kitto nan demo nai (yo)."
...in informal speech. "kitto" adds that "probably" to it.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: It's probably nothing - translation 2013/8/13 01:47
Ok, "きっとなんでもない" works well, thanks for your help, that's another word for my vocabulary too.
by itsokreally rate this post as useful

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