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Japanese Braille 2013/9/1 15:11

I am a blind woman who is looking into studying Japanese! Although, I would love to study the language and Japanese Braille at the same time if possible. Does anyone know of a website or something I can go to to learn the language and braille? I live in the US and will be traveling to Japan in the future, so I would like to be a bit prepared for the adventure.

Thank you!
by leuzer  

Re: Japanese Braille 2013/9/2 16:40
There is quite a good article about Japanese Braille on Wikipedia which shows the Japanese Braille alphabet. I do realize that this doesn't help you very but maybe somebody could punch the glyphs and put the explanation next to it.

As far as I can make out, there are only glyphs for kana, not for kanji, which should be enough to learn to speak the language, build a vocabulary and understand the grammar.
by Hoshisato rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese Braille 2013/9/2 18:13
Thank you so much for your help! Once I receive my Braille slate and stylus I will ask a friend to help me with it! I appreciate the time you took to look into my question for me!

Now all I need to do is find a way to learn the language and I should be set!

Thank you again!
by leuzer rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese Braille 2013/9/3 15:35
Dear leuzer,
I am a braille transcriber in English, Japanese and various languages.
Wikipedia is enough for the biginners.
There is no contraction in Japanese braille,
so it will be a little bit easy to
learn. Wish you can enjoy it.
by Sachiko (guest) rate this post as useful

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