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Help with Japan translation 2013/9/7 16:26
I ordered something from Amazon Japan and wondering how I should write the following to the seller in regards to the packaging?

For packaging, do use various type of air cushioning materials to ship the records and if possible, a "fragile" label as well to prevent any damage or ruin during transit.
by Jeff (guest)  

Re: Help with Japan translation 2013/9/8 14:29
i translate "records" as recording disk. is it okay?
by sd (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help with Japan translation 2013/9/8 14:29

荷物が壊れないように ( to prevent from any damage, )
クッションを使ってください ( use cushioning materials )
「壊れ物」のラベルを貼付けてください ( put a fragile label.)
by iik (guest) rate this post as useful

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