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Where should I begin? 2013/9/10 09:28

I'm a Japan fanboy who fell in love with Japan many years ago when he used to be a young sprout. I plan to visit Japan in a few years and live there for a year or so. But, before doing so, I'd like to learn some Japanese basics to be able to communicate If I get lost, which will probably happen. xD

I'm mainly asking this to people who learnt Japanese as an auxiliary language but, If Japanese if your native language feel free to join the fun. :3

Arigato & Sayonara ;D
by Aceeeeee  

Re: Where should I begin? 2013/9/10 16:34
Hiragana, then katakana. There are many good textbooks for self teaching. I like "Japanese for Busy People". Get the kana version, not romanized. Good luck and have fun!
by sensei (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where should I begin? 2013/9/11 05:52
I've downloaded a PDF of that book, is that normal that I do not understand at the start? xD
by Aceeeeee rate this post as useful

Re: Where should I begin? 2013/9/11 22:07
Yes it is. That is why I would suggest you to attend some Japanese basics class so the teacher can help you to understand the language. Once you know the basics, it's easier to go further by yourself.
by ojimak (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where should I begin? 2013/9/29 21:32
こんにちは、ジェイソン − くん

I have seen this post quite late but if you're still looking for resources or anything, I wouldn't mind sending you the worksheets my sensei used to teach us beginners Japanese :) or as many as I can salvage from my drive anyway :)

If you're interested, feel free to contact me on here and we'll exchange email addresses.

き を つけて、

イフラ アクタ
by Iflah123 rate this post as useful

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