
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Any differences between this two phrases? 2013/9/16 20:32
Any differences between this two phrases?

by Raf (guest)  

Re: Any differences between this two phrases? 2013/9/17 09:23
"Pay withdrawal expense/cost"
"Pay withdrawal fee(s)"
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Any differences between this two phrases? 2013/9/17 19:44
If you want to say,
"pay withdraw fee" then we usually say

費用 sounds more abstract.
I think any money you pay can be called 費用
ex) 食費、生活費、光熱費
but 手数料 is basically used for money you pay to get service.

Hope it helps you.
by wing0912 rate this post as useful

Re: Any differences between this two phrases? 2013/9/23 02:03
手数料 means a handling fee, and is used also about automatic teller machines.

The phrase 引き出し費用 sounds to me awkward. Logically it may include any type of cost you should pay in order to 引き出す [withdraw] cash. For example, if you take a train to the next station only to withdraw cash, 引き出し費用 may also include the railroad fee.

引き出す費用 is ambiguous, which can mean cost paid in order to withdraw cash / cash you withdraw as cost.
For the former meaning, 現金 / お金を引き出すための費用 (= cost for withdrawing cash / money) sounds better than 引き出す費用 and 引き出し費用 .
For the latter meaning, 費用として引き出す現金 / お金 sounds better than 引き出す費用.

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Any differences between this two phrases? 2013/9/24 03:29
@AK @wing0912 @omotenashi

I understand now. Thanks for the clarifications and help. :D

Much appreciated.
by Raf (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Any differences between this two phrases? 2013/9/26 11:01
reading through this thread reminded me to brush up on my nihonggo
by KpopLady rate this post as useful

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