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Buying Tickets for a concert in Japan 2013/9/20 01:40
Today I found out that Namie Amuro was releasing more tickets through her fanclub on the 23rd of September. However I am not a member of her fanclub since I don't have a permanent Japanese address, Although I could sign up I guess? But I think they send stuff out to your house the fanclubs? And since I will not always be in Japan I probably shouldn't sign up.I have read that you need to have a japanese mobile number to buy tickets? I'm wondering if I should buy a phone in Japan? My friend told me they have cheap cells on sale in Narita at like kiosks I guess? Have any of you had sucess story experience buying tickets? The only way that it seems to get tickets is buying for x10 the price of yahoo auctions!!
by Bisuuketto  

Re: Buying Tickets for a concert in Japan 2013/9/21 01:40
You don't need a cell phone, you can also use a pc. You might be able to sign up for the fanclub, but you usually cannot buy the tickets without Japanese address and/or a credit card issued in Japan. Also, signing up for the fan club will not mean that you can automatically buy tickets, as they will be allocated by a lottery system.

After the fanclub sale has finished, tickets will be sold to the public through the usual agents such as lawson ticket, ticket pia and eplus. For the recently announced additional shows this will happen in October.

When will you be in Japan?
If you are not here during the sales period, and you cannot ask a Japanese friend to help you, you'd probably better go with a 3rd party agent such as japanconcerttickets.com

The other option is to check the ticket resell shops (kinken shop) when you are in Japan.

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