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Sumo in Fukuoka 2013/9/25 13:51
I plan on watching a sumo match at Fukuoka on Friday 22sd November. Has anybody been in the venue where sumo matches are held? I'm thinking on buying a arena (chair) seat, does anybody know how far they are? Would I be able to see properly or should I carry binoculars?

According with the seating chart on the official site of the tournament, the difference between the two types of arena seats (apart from the price) are the position (more expensive ones are centred), would that make a real difference?

If I buy the tickets well in advance (as soon as they are put on sale), can I trust I would get the best seating for the arena area?
by Okazaky  

Re: Sumo in Fukuoka 2013/9/25 23:47
I was at the Sumo tournament in Fukuoka 2 years ago. I bought a ticket for section A of the arena seats (I believe I was in the south section). I didn't find it to be too far and was able to watch the matches. Though, I did find the seat to be rather small and hard so I wound up walking around the arena more than I stayed in my seat.

Here's a link to some pictures I posted on my blog about the tournament. The second picture is from my seat so it gives you a good idea of how far away from the action you will be.
by daai maou rate this post as useful

Re: Sumo in Fukuoka 2013/9/26 07:14
I visited the Fukuoka tournament in 2008, and just bought the cheapest arena seats in the morning at the ticket office. And while a seat closer to the ring obviously would have been great, I also didn't consider it too far away (and I didn't bring binoculars).

But you can indeed wander around, one of the things I liked most was when the makuuchi division rikishi entered the building early in the afternoon, making their way trough the crowds in the entrance lobby.
by WizardOfOss rate this post as useful

Re: Sumo in Fukuoka 2013/9/26 11:47
Thank you for your answers. Good to know that you can move around.
Great pictures, daai maou!
by Okazaky rate this post as useful

Re: Sumo in Fukuoka 2013/9/26 12:02
by masa (guest) rate this post as useful

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