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Coins accepted at bus 2013/10/8 16:13

I would be riding the bus in Kyoto and while on most days I will be using the Kyoto Bus Pass, there are days when it would be more economical to pay the Y220 bus fare. My question is, which coin denominations are accepted when paying the Y220 for the bus? Can I pay using Y5 and Y1? Thanks!
by Ami (guest)  

Re: Coins accepted at bus 2013/10/8 17:16
Generally at fare-collection boxes in buses (and vending machines of tickets and drinks),
10-yen, 50-yen, 100-yen and 500-yen coins are used.

There is no announcement in buses designating denominations of coins, but if 1-yen or 5-yen coins are used, that may require much time for a driver to check the amount of money you pay, so it is not recommended, especially when many passengers are waiting in a queue.
Kyoto City buses are equipped with 500-yen coin changing machines, one machine per bus.
1000-yen banknote changing machines in buses often reject banknotes, even clean ones.

(Vending machines do not accept 1-yen or 5-yen coins. Some accept 1000-yen banknotes.)

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Coins accepted at bus 2013/10/8 17:45
generally, YES.
Practical problem is explained by Omotenashi, as above. Japanese law says that 20 each coins can used as money. 20x1yen coins and 20x5yen coins are maximum for your case. But most of stores will welcome to use more.

If you throw coins in the box at one time, some coins might be stacked, and you might be asked to pay more.
It is better to use small coins in supermarkets, 7-11 stores, or admission fee at temples. vending machines accept 10yen coins. problem is 1yen and 5yen coins.

you already know that:
if you buy something and total value to be 863yen. you can pay 1x1000yen bill and 3x1yen coins. you will get the change 140yen. So your 3x1yen coins have gone.
or you pay 1x1000yen bill, 2x5yen coins,and 3x1yen coins. the change is 150yen. 1x100yen coin and 1x50yen coin.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Coins accepted at bus 2013/10/10 07:12
yea, above posters are right. I just came back from Japan 2 weeks ago.... no machines or buses take 1 or 5 yen coins! hahaha

They accrue very quickly if you go to combinis or other stores. I unloaded almost 100 yen in 1 and 5 yen coins at a 7-11 getting late night snacks.

Most common ones I used was 100 and 10 yen coins. Next was 50.
by SBxJap rate this post as useful

Re: Coins accepted at bus 2013/10/10 07:13
oops, sorry... I didn't try to use 1 or 5 coins on bus, but it seemed too time consuming to try.

by SBxJap rate this post as useful

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