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Translating an omikuji 2013/10/10 17:29
I went to the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto recently, and got a slip of paper called omikuji. Unfortunately, everything is in Japanese, and I can only make out a few words. I asked my student guide too, but she couldn't help me translate the poem that came with it. I would be so, so, thankful to anyone who can help me translate this. Thanks in advance! ^^

This is the omikuji that I received:

by spirale (guest)  

Re: Translating an omikuji 2013/10/11 15:23
simple translation with my poor English

NO.17 going toward to great lucky
the first line is WAKA(˜a‰Ì)
2nd - 4th lines are its explanation.
recently,you are in a bad situation. If you behave selfishly, and escaper from your responsibility, you will lose everything. You should fight to overcome your difficulty, you will get other's respect and you will get great success.

good direction east-south
the lost things will be found.
your desease will be cured soon
travel good
if you wait someone, he/she will come
marrige good
moving good
gamble good
business good
trouble good helped by somesone
there are good signs that your bosses and co-workers, both will respect you, if you are faithful, and not selfish.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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