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Nara Nightlife? 2013/10/16 15:30
I recently moved to Nara and I'm looking for things to do after work and on weekends. Mainly pubs, international bars and nightclubs. I know that Osaka is nearby, but I'd like also like to find establishments that are closer to home.

So, does Nara have much of a nightlife. Any recommendations?
by Gus III  

Re: Nara Nightlife? 2013/10/16 19:56
Averagely speaking, high school students in Nara get good scores in the national bar exam. It is said this is because there is nothing for students to do in Nara in the evening but to study.
by Naran (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nara Nightlife? 2013/10/16 21:28
How difficult is it for you to use Google? You could have easily found:
by Susan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nara Nightlife? 2013/10/18 16:23
First, thank you for the links. Second, I did use google and didn't find anything. Finally, how difficult is it for you not post needlessly rude comments?
by Gus III rate this post as useful

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