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How to travel Gora to Kawaguchiko Station 2013/10/25 01:39
I wish to travel from Naka-Gora to KAWAGUCHIKO STATION, on 05th Dec 2013 or 06th Dec 2013 and wish to return back to Naka-Gora.
Is it feasible ?
Can I cover all prime spot of Fuji Mountain to get the best view.
If possible, tell me cost also, 4 adult people will be travelling.
Is it advisable to book private taxi and is it cost effective ?
by dalal  

Re: How to travel Gora to Kawaguchiko Station 2013/10/25 12:54
My guesstimate for taxi will be around 14k yen. You can take bus that will be around 2-2.5k yen per person.
by guear rate this post as useful

Re: How to travel Gora to Kawaguchiko Station 2013/10/25 20:13
Thanks, but i feel the response is off-track. As i am not interested to go upto Shinjuku-Tokyo.

But I want to travel in loop of Gora-Kawaguchiko-back to Gora. So please direct me accordingly and is 14,000 is for above route or which one ?
by dalal rate this post as useful

Re: How to travel Gora to Kawaguchiko Station 2013/10/25 20:40
It is from nakagora to Kawaguchiko. On the japan-guide link, there is a drop down menu on top of the map so change it to hakone.

My taxi cost is just rough estimate, it could be more or less.
by guear rate this post as useful

Re: How to travel Gora to Kawaguchiko Station 2013/10/25 20:50
Thanks, I realised my mistake.
Can we return on same day or is it advisable to stay, to enjoy Mt. Fuji area, properly.
by dalal rate this post as useful

Re: How to travel Gora to Kawaguchiko Station 2013/10/25 21:46
If you are just going to look and take some pictures of mt fuji, it should be plenty of time. I am not sure where you are planning to view mt fuji exactly but here are some spots:
by guear rate this post as useful

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