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I'm confused with particles... 2013/10/25 14:46
First of all, I just want to know what particles are used in what situations. But i have another question, If I wanted to say something like "do you want to.." would I use ni for the word to or is that only for sentences like "to the station"?
by Kelcie  

Re: I'm confused with particles... 2013/10/25 21:20
well.... that's not easily answered. The "to" in "do you want to" is not a directional "to", so no. Asking someone if they want to do something requires a change in verb format, and even still there are a variety of ways to ask or invite that cover levels of directness (or indirectness), which is needed in order to not be rude.... Ummm.. Yes.

What in particular do you want to ask someone and what relationship do they have to you?

に is used for a number of reasons by the way. E.g. location, direction, given by, made to do something by, etc.

Sorry for added confusion but Japanese is a complicated language.
by pocky (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: I'm confused with particles... 2013/10/26 03:45
Welcome to the club. Particles can be very confusing, so much that they even have their own dictionary Keep at it, native Japanese will be understanding of any mistakes you make.
by Stan Norrell rate this post as useful

Re: I'm confused with particles... 2013/10/26 03:54
Thanks for your answers, really helps a lot! I'll be sure to check out your links!
by Kelcie rate this post as useful

Re: I'm confused with particles... 2013/10/26 03:58
And I don't really have a relationship or am really asking the person, I just wanted to know how it set it up but I guess it's gonna be more complicated then that. xD
by Kelcie rate this post as useful

Re: I'm confused with particles... 2013/10/28 16:58
by Zarf (guest) rate this post as useful

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