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Please give me the Kanji for Yuji Yamagawa? 2013/10/28 11:03
I understand the meaning is Heroic Mountain Side? Am I correct? and I would like to paint this for my best friend without his knowledge so I need someone to give me the proper way and the right lettering. He is from Okanawa. I would suspect his last name would go first and then his forst name in order to be in oroper etiqute?

Thanks for your help.

by ConniBrady  

Re: Please give me the Kanji for Yuji Yamagawa? 2013/10/28 11:57
unable to write or type in kanji. This is because there are ultimate way to write Yuji Yamagawa in Kanji.

ヤマガワ ユウジ


やまがわ ゆうじ

are only the way to write/type the name of Yuji Yamagawa.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Please give me the Kanji for Yuji Yamagawa? 2013/10/28 17:54
AS tokyo_friend_48 said, pronunciation of name don't make that Kanji clear.

About Yuuji, common names are made by combining the followings.
雄(Yuu; hero), 勇(Yuu; brave), 裕(Yuu; serene), 祐(Yuu; providence)
二(ji, two), 次(ji; next), 治(ji, heal), 司(ji; preside)
So we can't tell for certain.

By the way, although Yamagawa is a rare name, if it's 山川, it means mountains and rivers (or a river of the mauntain). 山川 that often pronounced "Yamakawa" is common name. Also it's unusually pronounced "Yamagawa".
山側 means "mountain side" but it's very rare name.
Off topics, a very famous poem (No.32 on this link) is beginning with "山川(Yamakawa; a mountain stream)".
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Please give me the Kanji for Yuji Yamagawa? 2013/10/28 18:15
Just to clarify the above, there are so many combinations of kanji that could be used to write your friend's name with that meaning that the only way to be sure is to ask him. Writing the name with the wrong kanji would be as bad as seriously misspelling the name in English.
by Ojaru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Please give me the Kanji for Yuji Yamagawa? 2013/10/29 18:32
山側雄司 - Yamagawa Yuuji (rather unusual)
山川雄司 - Yamakawa Yuuji (more common)

by lilly (guest) rate this post as useful

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