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Some words in Japanese 2013/11/6 22:59
Hello all,

I wanted to make a reservation at Akasaka Saryo restaurant this coming 4December to celebrate my husband's birthday while we are in Japan.

I ring up the restaurant around 5 minute ago, but they cannot speak in english. I tried to make reservation online, but they no longer accept online reservation

Would appreciate if anyone can teach me how to say " I would like to make a reservation for 2 person in a private room on 4December." in Japanese.

Your help is much appreciated.

thank you thank you thank you
by Michelle (guest)  

Re: Some words in Japanese 2013/11/7 08:16
watashi wa yuni gatsu yokka ni private ruum de no futari no tame no yoyaku shitai to omoimasu. watashi no namae wa ...(your name) des.
I would like to make a reservation for 2 person in a private room on 4December. My name is ...

You are welcome. ;)
by Same (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Some words in Japanese 2013/11/7 09:17
- Yoyaku wo onegai shimasu. (I would like to make a reservation)

They might say something like:
- Hai, itsu deshou ka.) Certainly. (When would that be?)

- Juni-gatsu yo-kka no XX-ji kara, ni-mei de koshitsu wo onegai shimasu. (From X o'clock on Dec. 4, for two people, for a private room.)

(They are likely to put you on hold to check... they might repeat your request once again to be sure.)

- Dekimasu ka? (Can I book it?)

If you hear anything like:
- Zannen nagara... (Unfortunately...)
that means they cannot book for the day.

They are likely to ask for your name and any contact phone number to be sure.
- O-namae to go-renraku saki wo itadakemasu ka? (May I have your name and your contact info?)

I don't know where you are staying in Tokyo, but possibly you could ask your hotel concierge to make the reservation for you, if the above does not go well?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Some words in Japanese 2013/11/7 10:01
Thank you thank you.. i will try my luck during lunch.. should hv a lot of jokes to be shared later... thanks all!!!
by Michelle (guest) rate this post as useful

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