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the road is always better than the inn 2013/11/14 21:30
Dear all,

How to say "- the road is always better than the inn" in Japanese? I used to learn Japanese long ago, but now I am afraid that I make a grammatical mistake.
オタ、マ、、、ト、簍゙、隍熙窿椄・ニ、、、゙、ケ(Dィュ wa itsumo yado yori mo sugurete imasu)
I am not sure that I need this sugureru verb... I remember that itcan be more simple smth like - Dィュ no ho ga yado yori.
The friend wants to have this phrase printed on his shirt, so I really want for it to be grametically correct.

Thanks for all your help!
by Naya (guest)  

Re: ... 2013/11/15 13:56
I guess the meaning of that phrase is that "traveling/being on the road (and experiencing new things, even if it came with a bit of inconvenience/difficulties at times) is better than staying at the inn (in comfort)"? The literal translation simply doesn't carry that meaning - people would look at it, wonder, and probably won't get it. "The road" doesn't carry that meaning of "being on the road/being on the go," but simply means the physical "road." (I cannot read the kanji - it is garbled - but I am guessing that you picked the word "doro.")

Just writing "traveler" or something else, "traveling is about encounters" might make more sense? I don't know what your friend wants to do with it, though...
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: the road is always better than the inn 2013/11/15 23:11
This famous quote by Cervantes doesn't seem to have a fixed translation, but I found a Tweet that quoted it as;

(yado yorimo michi no hou ga ii)
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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