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sentence translation
2013/11/23 01:54
Hello minasan! Could you please transalte this sentence for me?
Among the things sold, there are typical food products.
- hanbai sarete iru mono no naka de tenkeiteki na shokuhin ga arimasu.
- hanbai shite iru mono no naka de tenkeiteki na shokuhin ga arimasu.
Are these two sentences correct? if no, how can I write in the correct way?
Arigatou gozaimasu.
by angelabrok
Re: sentence translation
2013/11/23 11:07
What do you mean by "typical" in this sentence? Something like "typical to my country/area"? You would need to be a little more specific :)
(And just to be sure, you want help to translate FROM English TO Japanese, correct?)
by AK
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Re: sentence translation
2013/11/23 17:06
Sorry if I can't explain well. Yes, I mean something that you can find only in the place I'm living. But, the part I'm interested in, is to translate “among the things sold....“ I hope you can understand my bad english.... Thank you so much!
by angelabrok (guest)
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Re: sentence translation
2013/11/24 11:40
I might just say:
- Shouhin no naka ni wa, tokusanhin ga arimasu. (Among the merchandise, there are area-specialty goods.) I left out the "food," though.
by AK
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