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What does chi ryoku mean? 2013/11/26 00:45
I am part of a martial arts group in the uk called 'chiryoku kempo ju jitsu'

what does the 'chi ryoku' mean??
by bob sullivan (guest)  

Re: What does chi ryoku mean? 2013/11/26 13:24
chi 知 intelligence
ryoku 力 power, force
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What does chi ryoku mean? 2013/11/26 15:13
Though I have not been able to locate their logo, since their "About Us" page mentions "Strength through Knowledge" at the center of its teaching, I agree it is probably 知力.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: What does chi ryoku mean? 2013/11/26 15:13
by AK rate this post as useful

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