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Help translating this sentence? 2013/12/4 16:14
I'm not really sure what this sentence means:


Something about 2 older brothers, and not losing to them about something...that's all I can tell.

And how does the ...ように...sentence structure work?

Thank you for any help!
by noctis (guest)  

Re: Help translating this sentence? 2013/12/4 17:04
What's the context? It would help if you could write the sentence/question before this one.

Maybe someone asked him/her (anyway a child) what he/she wished for? The ending …ようにだよ suggests something of that sort... It could be the youngest son talking about what he wished for, or maybe the dad (of the three sons) is talking about what he (the dad) wishes for the youngest son.

お兄ちゃん二人に 負けないで 伸びていくように だ よ。

- It is so that I/you can grow and develop, not lagging behind the two elder brothers.
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