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How to write Abyss Angels with kanji 2013/12/13 14:53
Hello. I want to know how can I write my legion name (Abyss Angels) with kanji - could think of 3 ways:
Personally I like the 1st one but don't know if it can be understood. The general meaning I search is "angel" "daeva" "divine being" ascending from the abyss.
by Angellius (guest)  

Re: How to write Abyss Angels with kanji 2013/12/14 02:23
The third one is the most understandable.

•£“V: I don't understand this meaning. '“V' just means the sky/heaven. '“VŽg' therefore means a 'messenger of heaven'. This is the translation of angel in Japanese. Only with “V, you can't signify an 'angel' not at all.
by sk9 rate this post as useful

Re: How to write Abyss Angels with kanji 2013/12/14 03:22
Thanks alot for the reply. I hoped that I can use less kanji to write it and get deeper meaning like that but I suppose it is not the way.Read somewhere that “Vcould mean divine being too and that •£ alone meens abyss... but as I get it the combination of 2 would rather mean deep sky or something... Thanks again for pointing that out.
by Angellius (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to write Abyss Angels with kanji 2013/12/14 03:25
Hmm on second thought - does that mean that •£Žg would mean "messenger of the Abyss"?
by Angellius (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to write Abyss Angels with kanji 2013/12/15 11:11
In Japanese, you would write [•£‚Ì“VŽg with the ‚Ì in the middle to make the "abyss" describe "angel."
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: How to write Abyss Angels with kanji 2013/12/18 20:43
Thank you for the answer.
by Angellius (guest) rate this post as useful

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