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Buddha's birthday / Hana Matsuri
2013/12/13 21:05
Hello, Did sombody know if there is some special events the 8th of april in Buddhist temple in Kyoto for the Buddah's birthday?
Thanks for your answer
by nekochan07
Re: Buddha's birthday / Hana Matsuri
2013/12/14 12:12
Just about all temples have some kind of ceremony on April 8th.
by tokyonet (guest)
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Re: Buddha's birthday / Hana Matsuri
2014/1/4 10:41
Actually it's not so popular to celebrating Hanamatsuri in Japan for ordinal people even they are Buddhist. I had not known that celebration when I wasn't a student of Buddhism high school. I think only places where you can see some ceremonies are at temple of Joyodo denomination(such as Joyodo-shu, Joyodo Shin-shu, etc different as Zen Buddhism). In their you may presented by Amacha(sweet tea, but it's different as English tea or green tea).
by Karl (guest)
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