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Reading of a phrase containing jikan 2014/1/6 23:36
I read the following phrase: その時間ってのは, ...

How is it read? I'm confused, I can understand "that time", but then there's some hiragana...

What does it mean?

by ToniAz (guest)  

Re: Reading of a phrase containing 2014/1/7 09:15
The whole phrase says: "sono jikan tte no wa..." which in textbook style Japanese would be "sono jikan to iu no wa..." or "sono jikan to wa..." meaning something like "That time is..." "That time you are referring to is..." an un-finished phrase/question.

Can you give the whole sentence, or even the dialogue before and after?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Reading of a phrase containing jikan 2014/1/7 16:42
Thanks for replying!

It was something along those lines:

I forgot what the ellipsis fill in for. But if you can elaborate, how is 時間って even read? jikan-tte or jikatte? I can't seem to pronounce jikan-tte? It looks like the ~te form of a a verb ending in ~u, ~tsu, or ~ru but 時間 is a noun!...
by ToniAz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Reading of a phrase containing jikan 2014/1/7 17:07
It looks like the te-form, but as I said, its textbook form would be "jikan to wa" or "jikan to iu no wa." This Is a colloquial speech style. You will be able to pronounce it alright as you get used to it :)

The meaning of the sentence is "from the new year, (getting up/starting off) at this (early) time is.... painful."
by AK rate this post as useful

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