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Difference between 2 Resumes in Japan 2014/1/8 01:26
A Japanese company I've applied to asked me to send a —š—ð‘ (Rirekisho) and a E–±Œo—ðÜ (Shokumukeirekisho).

I've googled about it, but what is the difference? The second one is a more detailed version about the working history?
by rope  

Re: Difference between 2 Resumes in Japan 2014/1/8 08:05
Rirekisho is a CV(Curriculum vitae). There are many samples on internet how to write a Rirekisho in Japanese way.

Shokumu-keirekisho is your work history especially in the position you held in the past and involved work experience more clear details(eg, you done collaborated work with the other firm's name include their capital amount, workers number, how much your firm earned from the collaboration, what position you kept in the team, how many workers you have led etc).
Write clearly what you did while you were there worked period (eg, team leader between Sep 2000 - Julu 2009) as well.

Shokumu-keirekisho is relatively new apart of CV.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Difference between 2 Resumes in Japan 2014/1/8 08:09
The —š—ð‘ indicates the the academic history of a person and his past job(s) and job title(s) among other things, but does not elaborate about his duties on the job; that information is supplemented with the E–±Œo—ð‘(notÜ).

Use google images and look at examples of others.
by naes rate this post as useful

Re: Difference between 2 Resumes in Japan 2014/1/9 02:32
Both formats are also sold at stationary shops and convenience stores, and they come with examples.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Difference between 2 Resumes in Japan 2014/1/9 15:53
Thank you for your help.
I found some templates in the Internet.
The company asked for Excel or Word format.
There are a lot around, even with examples.

Before sending it to the company, I'll send it to a friend in Japan for proofreading ^^
by rope rate this post as useful

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