Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/21 12:39
It has been a while since this question was updated but I am a automotive mechanic graduate and have a bit of labor work experience. I am 23 years old. I really do not want to get a degree as funds are tight and won't be able to go to school for it with working 40 hours a week or more. Is there a way to move to Japan being a mechanic or no? I read somewhere 1 option is to marry a Japanese local? If I do go for a degree it will take me another 5 to 6 years if that to get my degree and I would like to be in Japan before I am 30 years old... I know my question is bouncing around a little. I will be taking a tour in the future but would like to know if I could maybe see if a Japanese car shop would sponsor me and such if that is even possible? I would not denounce my US Citizenship just would like to live a happy life in Japan instead of in the USA...
As I said I only ask this since it has not been asked or updated in a while.
by mmgilland  

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/21 16:06
Nothing has changed- a skilled labour visa needs 10+ years of experience and is not usually given for jobs in your field in any case.
by Tomicafan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 04:42
No chance with your current credentials.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 04:48
alright, i am looking into computer science. is there a demand for computer science related persons? I did a quick search and found that some businesses want computer science persons with English as a native tongue... what is the market on that career field in Japan?
by mmgilland rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 06:54
If you really want to get over there that badly I think your best bet would be joining the Navy. Seriously.
by michael (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 08:18
There are IT jobs for English speakers here, certainly- the usual visa requires you to have a bachelor's degree or years of experience in the field. If you think you would qualify then definitely apply.
by Tomicafan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 11:04
How about the 1 option you mentioned

1 option is to marry a Japanese local
by Noname (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 11:11
@ Noname

How about the 1 option you mentioned

1 option is to marry a Japanese local

Marrying to stay in a country because of some fantasy filled notion is pathetic. To even suggest it is just sad.
by mn (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 11:24
With all due respect to mn, if you are going to bother moving to Japan for the rest of your life, wouldn't marriage be part of the equation. I don't find it offensive in the least. Misguided perhaps, but not offensive.
by ChicagoMike rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 12:41
@ ChicagoMike,

If the OP was in a genuine relationship with a Japanese woman, then there's no issue at all.

Issue arises from those even entertaining the thought of marriage just to stay in the country because they are somewhat infatuated by it (the country that is).

Op is young. Go there on a working holiday visa or get the Degree.
by mn (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/22 12:57
The OP is American so WHV is a nonstarter. Marrying for a visa is also a nonstarter, which is why most posters simply ignored that as an option.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/23 11:10
Hey, anyone that is being butthurt on here, I only posted this on the forum to see if anything changed.

I am working towards a degree right now and getting a trip lined up to visit Japan myself. I also have a few penpals in Japan all of which want to meet up and show me Japan and the culture!
by mmgilland rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/23 12:33
My advice would be to maybe select the best of these options:

a) Do your degree quicker so you can get there quicker
b) Maybe marry one of your pen friends
c) Try another country with less rigorous entry/visa requirements - there is a big demand for qualified mechanics in some 3rd world countries
d) Instead on moving to Japan on a permanent basis make shorter holiday style trips in a higher frequency arrangement
e) Maybe marry someone in your own country that speaks Japanese and set up a Japanese style home together locally (much cheaper and you don't have to relocate)

Maybe one of these ideas, or a combination of several of them, would be a good solution?

by tHE tRUTH sERUM (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/23 15:52
Why move to Japan?
by Tana (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: mechanic moving to Japan 2014/1/23 16:25
Really like the below option...Innovative & out of the box thinking :)

e) Maybe marry someone in your own country that speaks Japanese and set up a Japanese style home together locally (much cheaper and you don't have to relocate)
by Noname (guest) rate this post as useful

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