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Sweet Rice Wine at Nakamise Avenue
2014/2/24 23:14
Is this commonly found in other places in Japan?
Can this be bought outside Japan, like it is sold in a bottle form? Or does it have to brewed or warmed up before serving?
by CL (guest)
Re: Sweet Rice Wine at Nakamise Avenue
2014/2/25 20:07
It's called Amazake and it is available in the US in bottle or concentrate. You need to check stores such as Marukai, Nijiya, Mitsuwa, etc. It seems to be a seasonal items though some store might have it all year round.
by mm (guest)
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Re: Sweet Rice Wine at Nakamise Avenue
2014/2/25 20:23
When I googled "Sweet Rice Wine", they teach me it's "Mirin" though... If it's Amazake, it's commonly found in Japan especially in the winter, you can portable stalls sell it around temples and shrines. On the first visit of the new year to shrine, visitors are often offered it for free. And it's sold at super-markets throughout the year. And it's easy to make of sake-kasu(sake lees), my wife said.
By the way, it's made of sake-kasu(sake lees) or kome-kouji(malted rice), my wife loves sake lees' one but I love malted rice's!
by ajapaneseboy
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