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Round Daikon 2014/4/2 13:21

Could you please advise when is the season for big round daikon (round white radish) @ Osaka ?

by kenixfun  

Re: Round Daikon 2014/4/2 21:55
round daikon.
I know two different ones.
かぶら kabura (or かぶ kabu). it is not Daikon, but very similar in shape.
聖護院かぶら is famous.
its season is winter. small ones are sold in nearly all seasons.

another one is
桜島ダイコン sakurajima-daikon
it is harvested in Sakurajima area of kagoshima, Kyushu.
it is not popular in Osaka area.
I think its season is also winder.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Round Daikon 2014/4/3 14:24
Actually, there is daikon called 聖護院大根 shogoin daikon or 丸大根 maru daikon, they are different from かぶ kabu (swede).
It's one of the 京野菜 kyo yasai, vegetables from Kyoto, but this daikon seems to be widely grown in Kansai area, including Osaka.

Main season for this daikon seems to be from November till February, I'm living in Tokyo and do not know if it is still available.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

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