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gift to offer for a staff 2014/4/27 02:45
Hello everyone, I have read several posts about what and who to offer a gift in Japan, but I couldn't quite find the answer to my question.

I am a Fench student, and I have a three month internship to do in Japan starting from May 19th. The company I will be working in has 60 employees and 4 branches in Japan, and it's the first time they have accepted an intern.
I have already bought 2 bottles of wine, French biscuits and I will buy some macaroon before my departure for the representative director of the company.

So here is my question : will I have to offer anything to the staff? There are 60 of them, and I know they would not expect anything. But should I buy some chocolates which they can share together?

Thank you for your help.
by thiv  

Re: gift to offer for a staff 2014/4/27 11:41
Hi, welcome to Japan,
should I buy some chocolates which they can share together?
No, but if you want strongly, you may want to buy some chocolates for your section (your boss and fellow workers) only.
And if their intern is only you, I can recommend to you buy chocolates or something.
It's common and good for your self-introduction.

BTW, the gifts for the representative director looks too much, I think.
(He don't expect the gift from you, unless you will rent a room in his house.)
How about the one of wine for him, and biscuits for your team mates, and one of wine reserve for your helper or friends.
Or you will need to say "the one is from me and the another is from my father" or something to make him accepted 2 bottles.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: gift to offer for a staff 2014/4/27 15:49
Write a thank you letter or card after the internship. That's the most Japanese interns do. No need to bring too much Omiyage.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: gift to offer for a staff 2014/4/27 15:54
Thank you very much for your help , ajapaneseboy and tokyo friend 48.
by thiv rate this post as useful

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