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Toasting to someone/something 2014/5/8 15:07
If I were to say, for example, "let's drink/toast for (insert person/place/whatever)" can I then use (N)no tame ni..?


Or does that sound weird? Random question but I just came to think about it, haha.
by Kirakira (guest)  

Re: Toasting to someone/something 2014/5/8 16:43
It would be a phrase to say: "to celebrate (success of someone)," "with best wishes for (future success of someone)." And if you want to say that at a party, for example, for everyone to go "toast!" at the same time, it would be "kanpai!" probably you've heard of this word before :)

So for example, let's say Bob is getting transferred to your Japan office, and you are holding a farewell party for him, and you want to toast to wish for his future success in Japan, it would be:
- Bobu no Nihon de no katsuyaku wo inotte, kanpai! (Toast for Bob's future success in Japan!)
("katsuyaku" = good performance, success, in this case
"inotte" comes from the verb "inoru/inorimasu" = to wish for, pray for)

Or maybe your baseball team wins and you are holding a party afterwards, you might say:
- Chiimu no shouri ni, kanpai! (Let's drink to the victory of the team!)
("chiimu" = team
"shouri" = victory)

by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Toasting to someone/something 2014/5/8 17:08
I completely agree with the above explanation.
日本のために、乾杯! is good enough, you may want to pause a moment and then say "kanpai".
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Toasting to someone/something 2014/5/8 22:15

No, it doesn't sound weird only if you're drinking alcohol. You can even use this phrase without raising your glass, as long as you are drinking the contents.

On the other hand, if you use the word "kanpai" (toast), you must always give a toast, in other words, you should clink your glasses or at least raise them. You can use the word "kanpai" with non-alcoholic drinks as well.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Toasting to someone/something 2014/5/8 23:04
Thank you very much for your answers! Now I got it! ^^
by Kirakira (guest) rate this post as useful

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