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Sitting on floor
2014/5/20 23:21
I would not be able to sit on the floor in Japan because of a medical reason, so what should I do ?
by Denise (guest)
Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/21 11:44
Ensure establishments you go have chairs. Most places have chairs, unless it's a traditional Japanese place. If you can't sit down on the floor and they can't/won't provide a chair, I wouldn't go.
by John B digs Japan
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Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/21 14:38
I will go on a limb, but in all my trips to Japan most of the restaurants, cafes etc. I saw had chairs, benches etc. Not to mention buses and trains..
In some of the eating places I went to, in non-touristy places, I was the only foreigner, perhaps the first one in a long while, but the local people were all sitting on chairs..
by Red frog (guest)
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Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/21 20:17
Dear John B,
Thank you for your reply.
On the tour the coach will be stopping at a Traditional Japanese tea ceremony, for the coach tour to take part. I do hope that I will not offend by not been able to take part.
by Denise (guest)
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Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/21 21:57
Denise, you have nothing to worry about. Just make it clear to the tour company that you are not able to sit on the floor for medical reasons.
My mother had a knee reconstructions just before she came to Japan and even very Japanese places cater for people who can't sit on the floor.
For the tea ceremony, it will be touristy so you will not offend anyone by sitting on a chair. I've also been to some places where the tea ceremony is actually on a table etc....
by mfedley
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Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/21 22:17
In a rapidly aging society such as Japan, asking for chairs is the norm. It's not a cultural problem at all. Don't worry about it.
You might also want to watch out for toilets, though. There are some small establishments that still only have the traditional squat type one. Although many have renovated their toilets to match its aging customers, be sure they can provide you options.
On the other hand, most public toilets have both squat type and western type. Don't be discouraged if you open the door to find a squat type. Check the other doors and you'll most likely find the sit-ons.
by Uco
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Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/24 17:39
I recently took my elderly mother in law to a traditional tea house. Everyone was sitting on the floor, but the staff brought out a small wooden chair and table for her so we could sit together for the tea ceremony.
Sitting on the floor in a restaurant is quite rare here. Don't worry about it. Or simply ask the tour operator to call ahead to the restaurants so they have time to find alternative seating before you arrive.
by Britgal (guest)
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Re: Sitting on floor
2014/5/25 15:09
No one will be offended or anything if you ask for a seat due to medical reasons. Just make sure the places you go to do not only have floor seating. But if you do, just tell people about your bad knee and ask if you could just lay your leg out flat. I've done it plenty of times after circulation got cut off from my tighter fitting jeans. :(
by gosuotaku
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