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baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/28 21:23
Hi! Do you know where I can buy baking supplies in Tokyo? Like cake/cupcake pans and decorating tips?
by baking_in_tokyo (guest)  

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/29 06:15
by passby168 rate this post as useful

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/29 08:24
I think there're selling to Kaldi coffee farm.
Kaldi is cheap,and is in various places.
It is also sold in shops Tomizawa. # area03

by haro (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/29 09:48
My local grocery store has all that stuff, there is always a "baking" area with goods and supplies. Otherwise, for more specific things, Kappa-bashi is totally the way to go!
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/29 14:45
besides Kappa-bashi, any Tokyu Hands
by orz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/30 02:19
Thank you! I think I'll visit Kappabashi.
by baking_in_tokyo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/5/30 21:30
Tokyo Hands has baking supplies but they're not cheap!

There's a great baking supplies shop in Kappabashi. Not sure of the name but it's on the same side as the enormous chef's head and it's upstairs.
by Britgal (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: baking supply in Tokyo 2014/6/2 12:36
Do you have a Daiso handy? I buy cup cake and cake papers (strong paper shapes) small shape tins, decoration, icing needs, all at Daiso.
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

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