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Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/12 17:59
Can you get a working visa for a country you have dual citizenship with? I am American and my dad is from Ireland, but I have never lived in Ireland. So is it impossible to get a working visa from Ireland?

I was just wondering. I feel it is a lost cause though sadly. :(
by Yamilluvia  

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/12 18:46
You do not need a work visa to work in a country that you are a citizen of.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/12 23:11
I could be completely off, but I think what the OP might mean is if as a dual citizen she can get a working holiday visa to japan with her Irish passport?

But in order to get a working holiday visa, you must be living in Ireland. Irish citizens traveling or living outside Ireland cannot get it.

If your dad has relatives there you could go stay with, then you could apply I think, but it might be best to talk to the Irish embassy to be sure.
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/13 09:21
yeah that is what I was asking. If I can get a working visa in Japan through the Irish embassy. But seems like I probably couldn't since I never lived there. :(
by Yamilluvia rate this post as useful

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/13 09:40
I see, that makes more sense. Well a Working HOLIDAY Visa (WHV) is an option, but you can only apply as a resident of Ireland. That means that you would have to first move to Ireland and establish residency before you would qualify for a WHV to Japan. WHV visas are limited to a one year duration.

A Work Visa (note that a Work Visa is a whole different thing than a WHV) may still be an option. The requirements are fairly straightforward, and easiest way to qualify is to possess a bachelors degree. Unlike WHV, work visas can be renewed.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/13 10:00
If I can get a working visa in Japan through the Irish embassy

Foreign embassies don't issue work visa or any visa for the country where they are located.
by Guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/13 16:12
Good catch. You'd have to apply at the JAPANESE Embassy in Ireland.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Dual Citizenship and Working Visa 2014/6/15 03:33
OKay. Guess it's a lost cause...I'll try to find a job or internship I guess.
by Yamilluvia rate this post as useful

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