
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/27 22:08
I'm currently reading "Yotsubato!" but yotsuba keeps saying a word I can't understand and I can't find the translation anywhere.
Also its not clear enough to understand, maybe the manga scans are bad.
Its something like this:

or something like that.

Can someone help?
by Fumichu (guest)  

Re: I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/28 13:26
おなかいっぱい (I'm full.)
ダンボーがいっぱい (full of Danboard)

Or if you show that volume and page, someone can check it, thouh I have AzMangaDaiou only.(x_x;
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/28 20:37
Here is a link. Second panel


It's "すげえ" and then, ひとかいっばいる or sometihng like that, I know what hito means but whats next? I really cant find in the dictionaries I use.
Thanks in advance
by Fumichu rate this post as useful

Re: I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/28 23:07

Hito ga ippai iru

Literally, "There are a lot of people" or "It's full of people" usually used in the sense of "It's crowded" or "There's a big crowd."
by DanH2009 rate this post as useful

Re: I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/29 05:47
Wow cute Yotsuba-to(-&)! lines :)

Not [か(ka)] 人[が(ga)]いっぱいいる is right.
This [が(ga)] is jyoshi[助詞].
Just you couldn't find pretty small "dakuten" part.
You could read 学校[が]っこう part,right?
Just bad printing and bad font not rare case.

BTW, no reading Eng .ver?
by bite-cat (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/29 11:28
It's quite colloquial, but the "...ga" is a particle, which you should read up on :)

I wrote out the lines below, with some close-to-textbook expressions in parenthesis.

すげぇ〜!!(すごい) Awesome!
人が いっぱい いる! There are many people!

きょうは まつりか!? Is today (some kind of) festival?

学校だ 学校 It's school, school (you know)
そういや (そういえば)明日から 夏休みだなぁ
Come to think of it, from tomorrow it will be summer holidays.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: I can't find the translation anywhere 2014/6/29 16:30
Hello and really thanks for all the help.
It's true the dakuten was not clear in that panel, and I kept searching that for か instead of が.
I'm self learning japanese and I decided to read an easy manga for practice.
Yes I could read the kanji for school.
Thanks everyone!
by Fumichu rate this post as useful

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