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Koto nara 2014/7/1 14:31
What does it means? I was reading a manga and I got "(Name) no koto nara"
by Fumichu (guest)  

Re: Koto nara 2014/7/1 15:45
What does the rest of the sentence or the dialogue go?
I can imagine a full sentence like:
- (Name) no koto nara, yoku shitte imasu. [When it comes to (person's name), I know him/her well.]
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Koto nara 2014/7/1 19:24
koto nara is the abbreviated form of koto naraba.
by haro (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Koto nara 2014/7/2 07:10
Use imagehack again.
-no koto nara(ba) or -no koto(de areba/で有れば/であれば) + [verb(do/dont)] is formal.
so need around (last and after) all lines.

about "nara"
a condition statement / 条件文[jyoken-bun]
by Pdic (guest) rate this post as useful

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