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The term pepe 2014/7/24 15:30
Hi there,

What does the term pe-pe (ぺーぺー) mean? I've run into it recently and cannot find a English word for it.

Thank you for your help.
by Miranda (guest)  

Re: The term pepe 2014/7/24 17:22
If you talk about 平平,
it means new employee, low-grade employee, freshman, novice, beginner or something.
The Kanji 平 means plain, flat, common or ordinary, by the way.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: The term pepe 2014/7/26 10:46
Thak you. I heard this term in a conversation with my students and was too embarrassed to ask what it means! We have this word in Russia too. Thank you for your help.
by Miranda (guest) rate this post as useful

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