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I want to know about a Japanese name: Isamu 2014/7/31 19:07
Hi, I'm a Spanish guy living in Barcelona.
I am an admirer of Japanese culture.
I want to know about a Japanese name.
Could someone from Japan help me?
The name is Isamu.
I know the sculptor Isamu Noguchi, but nothing else about the name.
It is an attractive name in Japan? It is linked to a kind of person? or to a social class?
I appreciate any response or comment about the name Isamu, is very important for me.
Thank you very much!
by BarcelonaGuest  

Re: I want to know about a Japanese name: Isamu 2014/7/31 21:44
Isamu can be referred to "Courage" and "Brave".
Isamu can be used for boys/men's first name. Not as popular first name as it used to be.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: I want to know about a Japanese name: Isamu 2014/8/1 01:03
The name Isamu Noguchi, as the sculptor’s pen name, is written with katakana in Japanese. (So, the description of this name does not directly convey certain senses.) We can imagine how this name could be written with kanji characters, just as assumption.

The Japanese word "isamu" is a verb. The typical kanji character for this word is usually read "yuu" in many kanji compounds, which mostly have positive senses.

On the other hand, the verb "isamu" and some related words are sometimes used in ironical senses.
Basically "isamu" means: get high spirits. But it can imply: elated, overstepping the mark. "Isami-ashi" in sumo means losing a match by overstepping the ring.

So, if I am asked by my acquaintance, for example, to give a name to his/her newborn son, probably I would not choose Isamu, but I may combine this kanji and another, like Yu(u)ta with a kanji which can be read "ta" and can mean being thick.

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: I want to know about a Japanese name: Isamu 2014/8/3 16:20
Thank you very much.
I would appreciate more replies
by BarcelonaGuest rate this post as useful

Re: I want to know about a Japanese name: Isamu 2014/8/4 10:35
As tokyo_friend_48 and omotenashi said, Isamu is often written as 勇(yuu, isa-mashii).
近藤 勇 is very famous samurai, his name is read as "Isami" though.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

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