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Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 12:26
This has probably been asked many of times, but what are some appropriate gifts to give to a Japanese pen pal?
My pen pal and I have been talking for a while through LINE (we're both 19 y/o females), and have decided to which to snail mailing. She said she would send me something with my letter and asked what I wanted. I wasn't sure, so I told her to surprise me! I too asked what she wanted, and she said that I could surprise her also. I'm not sure what to give! Can you please give me some ideas? Thanks!
by penpal (guest)
Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 13:27
Does she wear makeup and you know her taste/style? Makeup is super expensive there, and it is a nice gift between GFs that is almost always fun to receive no matter where someone is from. Even if it is something new to the receiver just to try out. Depending on where you live, if you have quality cosmetic brands that are produced in your country, go with those.
If she doesn't wear makeup, a cute oblong silk scarf is a sweet option that can be used year-round. It also doesn't weight much and doesn't take much room to store.
People normally suggest to give something edible, but I think if you don't really know what she likes/dislikes, stay away from that. It may end up being a disappointment.
by Minerva (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 14:29
(Slight typo, I meant "switch" not "which" to snail mailing!)
But anyway, thank you for your response. I'm not sure if she wears makeup, but from her picture on LINE it looks like she wears eyeliner. I'm from the US, so we have some good quality cosmetic brands. I'll look into that! I know that we have similar tastes in fashion and we like to shop at the same stores. I'll also look into your scarf idea.
Is there a limit on how much to spend for gifts in Japan? I'm afraid of overwhelming her with what I give her. And I don't want her to feel that she needs to spend a whole lot!
by penpal (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 14:56
It is just like in US - depends on individual budget - there is no limit. But if you are both 19, I think you should keep it under $50. An alternative to makeup is skincare. Healthy nail polishes ( that are actually good for your nails instead of being damaging ) is a nice gift for any age as well.
by Minerva (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 15:08
| actually have that piece and it is a good quality item. ( Not all of their pieces are ) Their Jewelry is designed and made in US, and are beautifully packed. ( Which is important in Japan ) Something from your country, lovely, versatile, well priced, Good quality, small enough to send and keep, lasts a lifetime, and can be used years from now.
by Minerva (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 15:23
$50?!? I think that might fall into the uncomfortably expensive category for a first time penpal gift, especially considering you guys are only 19. Penpals usually start with small trinkets and souvenirs and the like and then move on from there.
by yllwsmrf
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 15:40
Minerva- Thank you for your suggestion. I'll take a look at that!
yllwsmrf- Thanks for your response! So, small trinkets and souvenirs, like a keychain, postcards, stickers, stationery? Would that be okay to give or no?
by penpal (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 15:45
Go with whatever yllwsmrf suggests. He knows better. ( Honestly speaking )
You are welcome.
by Minerva (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 15:47
Not sure if Benefit is available in Japan but I think their cosmetics are quite quirky kinda nice and possibly suitable for a 19 yo.
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 16:02
Yes, Benefit is available in Japan. It would actually be difficult to find something that is not available there.
by Minerva (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/1 18:20
I'm no expert, but from reading these forums, penpal gifts usually go along the lines of typical omiyage. Something local/special to you that you think they might like. So, for example, if I were sending you a gift from Japan I'd probably choose something like an omamori to wish you luck studying (since typical 19 yr olds are in college). As you get to know them better you can send more personalized things.
I think Minerva's recommendations are good, but that you can have a lower budget until you feel each other out. Just think of them as your new friend (which they are), and let that be your guide.
by yllwsmrf
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/4 13:12
It sounds kitschy, but small souvenirs from your hometown are very popular. Where are you from, anyway?
For example, if you're from Paris, a keychain with the Eiffel Tower would be good. New York's iconic I heart NY souvenirs are pretty welcome, too. Basically, she's interested in you because you're friends, so sending something that you can find only in your hometown makes it special.
For your first gift, I would keep things inexpensive since there is a pressure in Japan to match a gift's worth in order not to be indebted. I think a small gift around $10 is enough.
by ame (guest)
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/10 11:26
You should send something that represents where you are from. Also, something that goes in a mail envelope is a lot cheaper to send than something in a box. Plus you need to check your post office regulations - these days sending a liquid, cologne, or something flammable might be prohibited. Most people would send some foods or sweets - but something to remember you after the food is gone is a good idea too. Some ideas are picture books, postcards, t-shirts, coasters, sauce or food spice packs, key chains, local chocolate, jams or preserves (except strawberry or marmalade - Japan has enough of that), calendars, some inexpensive but nice earrings or make-up (like lip balm such as Maybelline Baby-Lips). Try walking down the supermarket aisle and you can get lots of ideas. Avoiding glass bottles would be preferable since they're fragile and add unneeded weight. If you send something very pricey, your friend will be pressed to send something of similar or slightly higher value. Plus air mail ain't cheap anymore, that's for sure.
by rsl
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Re: Gift(s) to send to Japanese pen pal?
2014/8/17 11:25
Hi :D
Since you guys are both girls, I think you should send her stuff like candy and snacks! Send her stuff like cheez its, and twinkies. Or you could get her makeup (such as maybelline, or something expensive like Mac, or Benefit *THEY HAVE REALLY CUTE MAKEUP!!!* with Benefit you can get a makeup starter kit like mascara, primer, benetint (lip and cheek tint) etc for around 80 bucks. Pricey, but it's adorable)
You could also get her some nail polish such as Essie, OPI, or Butter (once again these are a bit on the pricey side)
I wouldn't get her clothes or shoes (anything that requires sizes). That not only would spoil the surprise, but it might make her a bit embarrassed
Hope this helped :)
by AnnaWright
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