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ya between 2 words? 2014/8/6 00:39
Hello everyone. In this sentence 願いや夢
does the や mean "and"? And if yes, how does it work? I haven't seen it again and my dictionaries and books doesn't seem to have anything about that.
by Fumichu (guest)  

Re: ya between 2 words? 2014/8/6 11:50
generally use like 願いや夢のような(に)
show examples like 願い and/or 夢.
this may contain 希望, because 願い and/or 夢 are examples.

only the two, 願い and 夢, not contains (not thinks about) 希望.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: ya between 2 words? 2014/8/6 19:23
Im sorry but I couldn't understand what you are trying to say.
Could you give some sentences as examples?
by Fumichu rate this post as useful

Re: ya between 2 words? 2014/8/6 21:28
It's used to list examples of things you're referring to, rather than specific list
や: I went to places such as x & y (as well as others).
と: I went to x & y (but nowhere else).
by staff (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: ya between 2 words? 2014/8/10 17:56
If you say 東京と京都に行きたい。You are saying "I want to go to Tokyo and Kyoto." Those two locations only. This is very specific.

If you say 東京や京都に行きたい。You are saying "I want to go to places like Tokyo and Kyoto," or I want to go to Tokyo, Kyoto, amongst others." So "ya" leaves room for "etc," and it is a little more broad.
by AK rate this post as useful

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