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Japanese translation 2014/8/29 12:27
Hi all. I'm a Japanese to English translator on Gengo, but now I've encountered a bit of a mystery in a translation job I'm doing. I've been asked to translate this video (, but when the little boy says "ここんだって!" (kokondatte), around 1:30, I'm not sure what he's saying. Can anyone help?

by Tori (guest)  

Re: Japanese translation 2014/8/29 17:25
I am Japanese (no kid-raising experience), but I cannot pick it up. He is not quite speaking correctly, though he makes attempts.

- (Po)kotte natteru
Immediately after that he says:
- Juusu chotto nanka
... attempting to say something happened with the juice (on his arm).

Around 1:51, where the girl clearly says:
- Fukuranderu ne
He probably is saying the same thing as:
- (Fu)kuran(d)eru ne
Considering that, deciphering this boy's speech can be quite difficult :(
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