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Gifts for Japanese Host Family
2014/10/13 14:43
I'm an American student, I want to send a gift to my Japanese host family (who hosted me last year) but I'm having trouble thinking of foods to give with my giftbox. I know American tastebuds are usually way stronger than Japanese tastebuds, so I'm afraid that the candy I'm giving them will be too sweet, artificial, etc. If you have had experience giving these things to Japanese people or are a Japanese person, please tell me your opinion of my list and/or suggest others!
-Werther's Caramel hard candies -Efrutti Hamburger gummies -Almond Roca -Skittles -Swedish Fish -Chocolate covered Acai berries -Hand-crafted artisan blend chocolate -Haribo gummies (these aren't American, but I like them so I thought I'd include them..) -Popcorn -Trident gum (perhaps dessert flavored gum as well? I've never tried them) -Icebreakers (the fruity, two sided kind) -Flavored teas (please suggest some!)
by milkbread (guest)
Re: Gifts for Japanese Host Family
2014/10/13 14:45
Virtually everything you've mentioned is already sold in Japan and relatively easy to get. How about finding something more local to the area where you live?
by yllwsmrf
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Re: Gifts for Japanese Host Family
2014/10/14 22:48
I think that your idea is nice. The Japanese host family would be happy with whatever you give. I recommend you to keep in touch with them. The relationship is priceless. Your gift will make good reason to contact them. Your message would be more important. Good luck!
by Tohgetu
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Re: Gifts for Japanese Host Family
2014/10/16 10:38
Don't be afraid to send candy, they will appreciate it. Especially women.. Send a GOOD quality candy like Sees or Lindeman truffles (sp?)
by basketcase
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Re: Gifts for Japanese Host Family
2014/10/17 22:52
I gave chocolates as omiyage to my host family when I first met them. Chocolate exists virtually everywhere on this planet, so it all boils down to the thought. Omiyage-giving is very much an ingrained Japanese culture. By giving them a gift during your first meeting (regardless of what it is, as long as it's not anything offensive) is a kind gesture, and they'll appreciate it.
by Murakami Seirin (guest)
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